My life as an animal lover
It’s 4pm on an otherwise “normal” Tuesday afternoon. The feral cat I’ve been chasing out of the house for a solid week now is underneath my couch having her kittens under the intense watch of two chihuahuas, who are certain she’s doing it wrong. And so it is. Just another day in my life.
To someone who does not know me well this might seem chaotic, but long ago I learned to embrace the chaos of life in all of its variations. On some level I’m flattered that this particular cat found me to be a human worth trusting and my home to be safe enough for her brood. On another level I’m quite tired of being the one who cares enough to be trusted.
So I will continue my day to it’s conclusion as I do every day. Only on this day that will involve finding a couple of more food and water dishes and blockading the perimeter of my couch so that the new family will continue to be safe. I will shake off the temporary feeling of being overwhelmed and simply tend to things that need tending to. All the while feeling a deep sense of gratitude that I am needed and that I am able to provide assistance when needed.
Believe me it’s taken a lot of work for me to reach this point and I am grateful for having reached it.